› NEA-TDB update book on U, Np, Pu, Am and Tc: overview, systematic trends and datagaps - Xavier Gaona, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal
08:30-08:50 (20min)
› Lipophilic 2,6-bis-triazolyl-pyridines for minor actinide recycling: a comparative study - Symeon Grivas, Department of Energy, Politecnico di Milano
08:50-09:10 (20min)
› Insights from quantum chemical calculations into into inner and outer-sphare complexation of plutonium(IV) by monoamide and carbamide extractants - Abdelmounaim FAILALI, PhLAM Lab, UMR 8523, CNRS - University of Lille.
09:10-09:30 (20min)
› CORI: Research on Cement-Organics-RadionuclidesInteractions within the collaborative EURAD project - Johan Vandenborre, SUBATECH
09:30-09:50 (20min)
› Thermoelectric properties of actinide materials - Eteri Svanidze, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemische Physik fester Stoffe
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› From U3Si2 arc melted ingots to U3Si2/Al fuel plates: a SEM/EBSD microstructural study - Julien Havette, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes, CEA Cadarache
10:30-10:50 (20min)
› Oxidation kinetics of new porous UCx nanostructured composites for radionuclide beam production at CERN - Nhat-Tan Vuong, CERN, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
10:50-11:10 (20min)
› Thermal expansion of defected UC and thermal conductivity in ThC - Dominik Legut, VSB - Technical University of Ostrava
11:10-11:30 (20min)
› Anharmonicity of the lattice properties of strongly correlated ferromagnet UGe2 - Anton Filanovich, Ural Federal University [Ekaterinburg]
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Comparative U(VI) sorption on Fe-rich bentonites with and without accessory Fe-oxides - Cynthia Rieckhof, Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas Medioambientales y Tecnológicas [Madrid]
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Electronic structure and magnetism in UGa2: DFT+DMFT approach - Banhi Chatterjee, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Heterometallic Uranly Alkoxides of Lanthanides/Transition Metals – Revisiting the Non-Aqueous Uranyl Chemistry - Dennis Grödler, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Hydrothermal synthesis and pH dependency in aggregate formation of lanthanum (III) hydroxide nanocrystals - Villads Nielsen, University of Copenhagen, Department of Chemistry
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Laser melting study of nanograined uranium carbides - Antonio PEREIRA GONCALVES, C2TN, DECN, Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Metamagnetic transition in UIr2Si2 single crystal - Magdalena Majewicz, Institute of Low Temperature and Structure Research, Polish Academy of Sciences
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Nuclear forensics: New frontiers with Fission Track Analysis and TOF-SIMS Techniques Cumulative process - Itzhak Halevy, Physics Dep., Department of Nuclear Engineering, Ben-Gurion University -Negev
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Observation of 5f Intermediate Coupling in Uranium X-ray Emission Spectroscopy - JG Tobin, University of Wisconsin- Oshkosh
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Synthesizes of U3X4T3 single crystals - Jeroen Custers, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Condensed Matter Physics
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› The effect of speciation and weighted averages when interpreting structure-property relationships in europium(III) dipicolinate - Patrick Nawrocki, University of Copenhagen
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Uranium (U-234, U-235, U-238) content in fruit bodies of bolete mushroom Boletus bainiugan from Yunnan province (China) - Klaudia Block-Łaszewska, University of Gdansk, Faculty of Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Radiochemistry Department
14:00-15:40 (1h40)