› Molecular Uranium Precursors Designed for the Synthesis of U-binary and ternary oxide Nanomaterials - Aida Raauf, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne
08:50-09:10 (20min)
› Reactivity of Low and High Valentes Uranium Derivatives Against Pb(II)-Substrates - Andreas Lichtenberg, Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, University of Cologne
09:10-09:30 (20min)
› Water adsorption and Oxygen Storage capacity of Ce1-xUxO2 mixed oxides - Lee Shelly, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
09:30-09:50 (20min)
› Towards a Th-229 Nuclear Clock: Measurements of the Bandgap of ThF4 by Electron Spectroscopy - Roberto Caciuffo, European Commission, Joint Research Centre
10:10-10:30 (20min)
› Revealing bonding properties - stability relations of actinides by high resolution X-ray spectroscopy - Tonya Vitova, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Institute for Nuclear Waste Disposal (INE)
10:30-10:50 (20min)
› First-principles calculation of the Coulomb interaction parameters U and J for actinide dioxides - Robinson Outerovitch, LMCE, DAM Île-de-France
10:50-11:10 (20min)
› Isospin effect in fission dynamics of actinide nuclei - Ning Wang, Nanjing Southeast University
11:10-11:30 (20min)
› XPS, UPS study of pure and alloyed U-H films - Oleksandra Koloskova, DCMP, Charles University
11:50-12:10 (20min)
› Valence-Band Photoemission of UH3 from the LDA+DMFT Perspective - Jindřich Kolorenč, Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
12:10-12:30 (20min)
› Secondary Phase Derived Uranium Oxy-Hydroxides as Potential Host Matrices for Anionic Fission Daughters - Gabriel Murphy, forschungszentrum jülich
12:30-12:50 (20min)
› A Unified Predictive Model for Uranium Geochemistry Relevant to Groundwater Systems - Surya Sujathan, pHD student - Abhas Singh, Associate Professor
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Back To Basics: Revisiting the Fundamental Photophysics of f-f Electronic Transitions - Nicolaj Kofod - University of Copenhagen
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Complexation of Uranium (VI) with phosphoric acid - Danae Escalante, Université Paris-Saclay CNRS/IN2P3-IJC-Lab
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Computational Studies of Actinide ‘Pacman' Complexes - Xiaobin Zhang, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Crystallization of U(VI)-Pu(VI) nitrate hexahydrates from highly metal-concentrated solutions - Elizaveta Filimonova, Bochvar High-Technology Research Institute for Inorganic Materials (VNIINM)
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Development of actinide surface sources for the calibration of surface contamination monitors - Lucille Chambon, Université Paris-Saclay, CEA, List, Laboratoire National Henri Becquerel (LNE-LNHB)
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Interactions of Uranyl Ion with Bidentate Eudistomin Ligands - ASHUTOSH PARIMI, University of Manitoba [Winnipeg]
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Ionic-covalent bonds and room-temperature 5f ferromagnetism in UCu2P2. - Ladislav Havela, Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Magnetic and electronic phases of U2Rh3Si5 - Jannis Willwater, IPKM, TU Braunschweig
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Nanosized thoria in aqueous solutions: probing the solubility and crystallinity relationship. - Tatiana Plakhova, Lomonosov Moscow State University
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› On the crystal structure and magnetic properties of new quaternary compounds in the system U-Cr-Si-C - Pierric Lemoine, Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Spectroscopic method for plutonium isotopes studying in fuel-containing materials various origin - Tatiana Poliakova, Lomonosov Moscow State University
14:00-15:40 (1h40)
› Uranium and Heavy Metals Mining Activity Impact on Food -Vatra Dornei Case Study - IOANA-CARMEN POPESCU, R&D NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF METALS AND RADIOACTIVE RESOURCES-ICPMRR
14:00-15:40 (1h40)